Friday, May 24, 2013

Gavin's Last Day of Pre K 3

Little man finished up his last day of school at MDO two weeks before Emma.  This little boy had the best year of school ever.  He was so loved by his teachers and they were wonderful with him and his personality.  Gavin will be returning to the same MDO program for PreK 4 this year and we are looking forward to watching him learn and get prepared for Kindergarten in 2014. 
Last Day of PreK 3, it was water day (big fun).  Gavin started the year as a three year old and ended at 4 years and 2 months old.
What a huge difference we saw in Gavin Thomas the last 9 months in PreK 3.  He is such a smart little guy and has an unbelievable imagination to go along with it.  We are so grateful for this amazing MDO program that fosters creativity, imagination, unit planning, hands on activities and individualized instruction 90% of the time he is there (the other 10% is discovery play).

Gavin Thomas, you were such a big boy this year and we are so PROUD of you and your accomplishments this year.  

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