Sunday, June 9, 2013

Emma's 6th Birthday Party

Yesterday we celebrated Emma's SIXTH birthday with 20 of her little friends and 3 cousins.  All of the kids had a blast and enjoyed the party. 

My kids love to challenge me when it comes to party themes and this year was no exception.  Emma decided in January when American Girl released the girl of the year Saige, that she would be having an American Girl Saige Art Party. 

Emma has become a great reader this year and we have read many large books together.  Saige is one of them and needless to say we learned more than we needed to know about Saige Copeland from Albuquerque.  Saige is a lover of art and her school lost the funding for its Art program, so she went on a campaign to save the program.  Of course she had the help of her Dad, whom was a Hot Air Balloon Pilot, her Mimi (an artist) and Picasso (her Mimi's horse that Saige loved).  From there, Emma's 6th birthday came to life.

We decided to have the party in the art lab at my high school and it was the perfect space and place.  Emma is a social butterfly and wanted to invite 40+ friends, but she was forced to narrow her list down this year to her favorite friends and a few cousins.

Each child got to paint a 16 x 24 canvas of a hot air balloon and they were all so creative.  My art teacher graciously walked the kids through an art lesson and the process.  I was so proud of how intently they listened.  

The goody buckets were paint cans filled with an art palette cookie, American Girl Magazine, candy, Saige bookmark and Icee pops.

The paint can up close and tag that said, "I hope you had a Sweet time at my party". 

Emma chose the cupcakes and colors for this party, it was a hodge podge but looked so cute mixed together.  The world of art is very colorful, so it was perfect.

We had this little table sat up as a colorful candy bar where the little artist filled their paint cans up at the end.

Colors, colors and more colors!  Believe it or not the kids were so neat and clean with their canvases.  Each of them were provided an apron to keep their clothes clean and I also came armed with Dreft stain spray.

The room was set up when they arrived and they were all so excited to be in a High School, it was cute.

This little cabinet was set up with Emma's AG Dolls, pennants, gift bags and pizza.

I can not believe that this little girl will be SIX years old in a few more days.  She is so super excited about going to 1st grade next year.

Another little display filled with cookies and American Girl catalogs for the little girls to take home.

Sweet Gracie and Hannah Claire have been Emma's special friends since she was 15 months old in MDO.  I hope these 3 always stay connected.

Ava and Delilah are Emma's sweet friends from the Dance studio.

Hannah Claire, you are a special little girl and Emma loves you as much as you love her. 

Ally was so excited to paint and did such a great job.

Emma's sweet little brother could hardly wait to get started and he did a great job.  Way to go Gavin, you kept us laughing (thinking he likes abstract art).

Lauren and Emma are in summer swim, dance and year around swim together.  They are the best of friends and are SUPER silly when they are together.

Our sweet cousin Peyton.  So glad they are here for the summer from Colorado and could join us.  Peyton has some talent when it comes to expressing herself with a paintbrush.

Happy Birthday to you Emma, so hard for me to believe that I had to push 6 candles down in that cake this year.  Seems like yesterday when we were helping you blow out your candles sweet girl.

Lily, Laney, Melinda and Stephanie all enjoyed their lesson and were such great students. These sweet girls are great friends to Emma.

Macey and Isabella are 2 of Emma's friends from Kindergarten this year.  We missed Kate and Ellie (her best friend at school this year) but hope to have a play date with them soon. I wish I could have gotten a picture of everyone, but we stayed busy helping everyone and refilling paint.

It was hard to get all the kiddos together at the end, but we managed to get this shot.  It was so fun to see how different everyone did their canvas and how cute they all turned out, they were so proud of their hard work. We were thankful for all of those who joined us and missed those that could not make it to celebrate with us.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to
remain an artist once we grow up.

~ Pablo Picasso


  1. Adorable party, as always! We were sad to miss it!

  2. Wow Laura I just love reading your blog. The party looked like a blast. We are getting our first AG Doll for our 5th birthday in July. We can't wait to go to the store and have fun!!! Tell Emma Happy Belated Birthday.

  3. Did you paint the guest signature hot air balloon before the party? I love that idea and would to have one at our party.

  4. Where did you get the invitations, canvas', and palettes? Thanks for any help you can give.
