Friday, June 28, 2013

Auditioning for Company

Tuesday was a big day for this little girl.  Emma has been asking for two years to try out for Company at our dance studio (the competition dance team).  Last year I attended the parent meeting, but when it came time for tryouts, she chose to swim year around and we supported her.  This year after recital, her mind was made up that she was going to try out for the team.  We talked to her about the HUGE commitment, the cost and how she would not be able to swim as much, but she was determined to audition and keep up with both activities.

Tuesday morning she had to be at the dance studio at 8:30 to stretch and for Mommy to fill out all the paperwork.  Upon arriving she went right in and started stretching and was tagged with the number 5, I felt like we were at High School drill team tryouts (number, black tights, leo, bikers, jazz shoes and hair pulled back).

There were about 40 girls who auditioned in her group and about 40 more in the afternoon group, they will also hold a make up tryout in August.  I was so shocked that Emma was so excited and confident about this, she practiced and stretched the entire day before.  They took 30 minutes and talked to the girls, taught them a dance, worked on their leaps and then they were walked over to another room in small groups to tryout.

After tryouts Emma came out and she was so proud of herself.   She was required to perform four 8 counts of a dance, leaps, turns, ballet positions and answer 2 questions they asked her.  Of course she was ready for the questions because I overheard her interviewing herself the day before in her bedroom.

When we left tryouts, we were told we would get an email from the studio by Friday that stated whether she made the team. She has asked me everyday if I got an email and if I thought she made it. I just keep telling her that I was so PROUD of her for trying and that if she did not make it we would be okay and she could take a few extra dance classes and try again next year. She seemed content with my answer, but would always say, "Mom, I really want to be on company this year, I hope that I made it."

The email came through Friday afternoon while I was in a training.   Daddy had the idea of telling her with flowers so we picked these up that afternoon.
We asked Emma to have a seat on the couch in our family room because we needed to talk to her, she got a little nervous and had no idea what we were up to.  Daddy brought the flowers in and she read the message, so nice to have a reader on our hands.  She was ecstatic, immediately ran to me and squeezed me so tight and quickly moved onto her Daddy for congratulation hugs.

We had one very PROUD little girl on our hands.  She has not stopped saying,"I can not believe I made company, you told me I could do it Mom if I wanted it bad enough.  Can you believe I made company?" 

To say this little girl is over the moon is an understatement!  She has not stopped dancing around the house or talking about company since she found out the news on Friday night.   She can not wait to have a "big sister" and have a bigger part in recital next year.  This year will certainly be hard work for our little dancer, but I am hoping she enjoys every minute of her commitment to the studio. We are so PROUD of her and look forward to supporting her this dance season.  Don't ever stop dreaming or believing Emma Caroline!

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