Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer Swim Banquet 2013

Tonight we celebrated with our little swimmer at the swim banquet that concludes the end of summer swim team.  It was a fun little celebration and all 220+ of the kids were honored for their efforts and improvements in the pool.

This is the group of 6 and under girls that Emma swam with this summer.  She was on a relay team with 3 of them and they did exceptionally well as a team.  If you know Emma at all, I am sure you are not surprised that she chose to wear her after 5 attire to the party (it's her beat and her drum!).

Of course Emma and Lauren are going to be close to each other at any dance, swim or church function.  Lauren swam with the 7-8 year olds this year, but it did not keep them separated.  They are such sweet friends and so supportive of one another in all that they do.
Emma was so excited to get another trophy and display it on her shelf with her one from last year.

Here is Coach Becca, Miss Becca and Nanny Becca to us!  Emma loves this sweet girl and we are so thankful that we found her to Nanny for us a year ago, she plans to stay with us this year too.

Oh Emma Caroline, we are so PROUD of you and  your commitment to everything you do in life.  You did amazing in the water this year, qualifying with your backstroke in a divisional and championship meet.  You fight so hard and always do your very best, with a BIG smile on your face (yes, even when you swim you are smiling girl). 
Now that summer swim is over, we will start practicing and swimming with her year around team again.   No where we would rather be on a Saturday morning at 7am than watching you poolside baby girl. 

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