Saturday, August 24, 2013

Company Party

Last night Emma attended her first Company party at the dance studio from 7-10 and this girl had a blast.  The night consisted of games, secret sister reveal, pajamas, dinner, snacks, dancing and getting to know all the girls who made the competition team for 2013-2014.  These instructors know how to throw a fun party!
Most of the girls that will be dancing this year are included in this picture, but it was hard to squeeze them all in.  Talk about a super sweet set of girls and families, you are looking at them.  I can not imagine a better group to have my daughter surrounded by, great role models and peers.  Emma has danced with some of these girls since she was 3 years old, but some are new friends and she is so excited about them all. 

The girls were asked to lay flat on their stomachs, arms out and eyes closed.  Each of them had a straw placed in their hand that was a different color and size.  When Mrs. Rachel yelled, "Go" they all had to get up and run around the room to find the girl who had the matching straw, this would be their big/little sister for the competition season.  Emma and Amanda finally found each other and it was the cutest thing ever.  Emma can't stop talking about how much she has in common with her BIG SISTER at dance.  Amanda is a 5th grader and will be someone that Emma looks up to all year long.  Just so happens her Mommy is Gavin's PreK 4 teacher this year, small world.

Emma is thrilled about dance this year and has a heavy load at the studio on top of swimming with her year around team.  She is going to try and balance it all and I am going to continue to pray for our "want to be involved in everything" child.   It is going to be hard work for her, but she is up to the challenge.

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