Friday, August 23, 2013

Meet the Teacher 2013

We have spent the month of August getting ready to head back to school and talking about new routines, meeting new friends and teachers.
Always seems to help our kids get back in the swing of things and the first days much easier.  The mantle has been decorated with Emma's school colors and all the things that remind us that, "school is cool".

This evening we got to redeem our golden ticket and meet the teacher.  Emma had been looking forward to this for weeks.  
On the way to the school she told me she needed to talk to me about something, but she did not want me to be upset.  Of course I gave her my usual, you can talk to me about anything speech.  She proceeded to say, "Mom, can you please tell my teacher that I want to go by Caroline this year not Emma?"  I asked her if she would be fine with Emma Caroline and she said, "no Mom, just Caroline." 
Once again God has blessed us with an amazing teacher, Mrs. Kohler which just happens to be best friends with Emma's Kindergarten teacher.  We were thrilled that Emma got Mrs. Kohler this year and that sweet Ellie, Jackson and Dylan were in her class from last year. Looks like 2013-2014 is going to be another year filled with academic excellence for our girl. 

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