Sunday, August 4, 2013

Cousin Camp 2013

We pulled off another surprise for these kiddos with cousin camp this year.  This year we decided to rent a cabin and head to a camp ground.  

After some Mexican food we pulled up to Yogi Bear park, the kids were a little unsure about where we had brought them (they are a little spoiled to Hotels, so am I).

Did not take us long to hit the campground, get checked into our cabin and make our way to the pools for some fun.

Nana surprised the kids by renting this golf cart and thank goodness she did.  Nana and the kids had a blast decorating it for the parade at night.

After a long day of fun in the sun, so thankful these four are the best of friends and get along so well. Nana treated us all to ice cream every evening, yummy!

Gavin was such a trooper and joined us on the big water slides this year.  I must admit that the big blue and yellow one scared me and my SIL to death, I was airborne for about half the ride (NEVER again!)
I can not even begin to tell you how much my little boy LOVES his big cousin Hunter, he is completely crazy about him!

These kiddos had a blast on all of the water slides, in the lazy river, on the golf cart, playing putt putt, at the pancake breakfast, having talent shows, sleeping in the loft, playing on the playground and on the campground.  

So thankful for this weekend, our family and that we continue to the tradition of cousin camp year after year.


  1. Gosh! Hunter is as tall as Stacey! Those cabins look nice. :-)

  2. Gosh! Hunter is as tall as Stacey! Those cabins look nice. :-)

  3. It was a good decision that you brought your kids to a campground. They were really amazed by all the fun and exciting activities. They looked very happy while they slipped and slid on the pool! The golf cart ride must’ve been a remarkable experience for them too. Do you have a picture of the golf cart during the parade? I want to see how the kids decorated it. :)
    Carol Schultz @ A Plus Carts and Parts
