Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Visit to Santa 2013

We made our yearly trip to visit the jolly ole man in the red suit and the kiddos were eager to tell him what they hoped for this Christmas.
Santa came out to take Emma and Gavin back to his sleigh so they could all visit.  When he came out  Gavin said "hey buddy, are your Reindeer on the roof?"  Santa replied, "No, they are back at the North Pole."  Out of no where Gavin shouted, "I knew you were fake!"  It was at that point that I thought about running out the door of the photography studio but I couldn't leave my kids behind.  Once Gavin finally got in his lap he tugged on his beard and realized he was the real Santa. 

Both kids were reassured by Santa that they were on the NICE list, so they left with smiles on their faces and hope in their little hearts that Christmas morning would be loads of fun.

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