Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

Merry CHRISTmas from our family to yours this Holiday Season.  We have been blessed in more ways then we deserve this year and give GOD ALL THE GLORY for his unwavering protection and love for our family over this past year and always.

Praying your Holidays have been filled with love, hope, peace, joy, family and friends.  We have spent this month reflecting and sharing with our sweet children that Jesus is the reason we celebrate this time of year.

It is such an honor to be their parents and indescribable the amount of joy and laughter they bring into our home on a daily basis.  I truly never knew a love like this existed before I became their Mommy.   

So thankful to be part of THE FRAZIER FOUR, this is the family I have always dreamed of having and more.

Christmas has been a wonderful celebration in our home spent with our loved ones. Celebrating that little baby that was sent so many years ago, so that we could have this amazing life.  Happy Birthday Jesus, we love you!

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