Friday, December 27, 2013

Where have we been?

Geez, it has been a long time since I have posted.  I have received lots of questions, emails, calls and text from people concerned, but I am here to tell you that LIFE has just CONSUMED us.  

I am the Mommy behind this blog that has been ongoing for five and a half years.  I am the wife of an amazing man that works hard and loves us well! I am the proud Mommy of Gavin and Emma.  I am a hard working assistant principal, a Sunday school teacher, a dance/swim Mom, a boy Mommy and so much more. I love this blog, I love my family and I love OUR story, therefore I am committed to taking the time to document our ongoing journey for my kids to share with their kids someday.

I always thought as my children got older we would have more time and life would be less chaotic, NOT!  We are constantly on the go to practices, church events, doing homework, school functions, birthday parties, play dates, family functions, carpooling, doctors appointments and so much more.  We have also dedicated extra time to prepare the littlest Frazier for Kindergarten next year, oh Gavin Thomas how is that already happening?  It is all the things I love, but it has left very little time for anything else.

We have had a rough go this Fall with sickness in our home.  Emma battled a parasite for 12 weeks that truly frightened us to the core, she was one very sick little girl (after many test and 3 rounds of treatment she is good to go). Then we had the usual colds, ear infections and viruses. Thank God, we are all very healthy now and I am praying it stays  this way.

I have always managed as a working Mom to keep up with EVERYTHING and give 100%, but that has been a struggle the last 4 months.  We are in constant prayer about what God has in store for me as a working Mom and have faith that his plan will unveil in due time.

It has bothered me tremendously that I have gotten so behind on blogging and I have a running list in my cell phone of all the blog post I plan to post soon.

Thank you for loving our little family and thank you for missing us.  This Mommy is determined to play catch up, get some rest before I head back to work on January 6th, love on my family, create new memories and make big bold plans for THE FRAZIER FOUR in 2014. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Laura you have been through a lot, but you know God will see you through. Sorry to hear about sweet Emma glad everything is ok. I totally agree with you about blogging I am so behind. Maybe I will get caught up . I pray God continue to bless you and your family.
