Thursday, July 3, 2008

1 Candle, 2 Pez Dispensers & 3 Bananas

Roast, Potatoes, Carrots, Corn, Texas Toast, Tea & Banana Pudding were on the menu last night for the HOTY's Birthday Celebration. No Darla, I did not make him eat Chicken Nuggets with cheese sauce either ~ I cooked a meal that was better than, "Slap Yo Mama's Soul Food".

Okay, usually I would have had tea light candles...but the Circle E had to do. The 2 Pez dispensers are what the "itty bitty" picked out for her Daddy's birthday. I lined about 20 things up at Academy (shoes, shirts, golf stuff & more) to let Emma choose her Daddy a gift, however she kept pointing at something and calling it a BALL. Well, I finally took her over to where she was pointing and this is what she picked. She was not happy with 1, she insisted on 2 ~ she folded over like a taco right there in the buggy to buy both of we did. Okay, now about the 3 bananas ~ well it was raining yesterday, the "itty bitty" was asleep after a day of shopping and I needed bananas (for the pudding). I thought to myself, where can I get bananas that I don't have to get out of the car? With the help of the Paparazzi (Darla), we decided I would go through Sonic to see if they would let me buy some bananas. It went something like this:

Welcome to Sonic, may I take your order?
Yes, can I get a small cherry lime aide and can you please sell me 3 bananas?
Ma'am, we don't really sell bananas...hold on please....a few seconds later, Ma'am are these bananas for kids? remember it was raining and Emma was I said, "Yes they are"
Okay, I will sell you 3 bananas
How much?
How about $1.00 a piece?
Sounds great....
Your total is $3.87
(must have been happy hour when drinks were 1/2 price)

Needless to say, Darla was on the other end of the phone belly laughing. I was happy and so was the HOTY when he got homemade banana pudding for his Birthday.

The "itty bitty" got all dressed up for her Daddy's Birthday Celebration. Of course, she had to go outside for a little bit...she likes to point now and say "out, out".

This was the HOTY's Birthday present...the Fiji Margaritaville machine...we had to try it out last night and it is AWESOME. We are not big drinkers (but we enjoy an occasional margarita), & this thing can make snow cones and smoothies too. Emma got to have a Strawberry Cocktail last night also.

Emma was so excited when her Daddy opened her present....yes, the 2 Pez dispensers. We thought it was is Chicken Little and the other is the guy from Meet the Robinsons.

Emma wishing her Daddy a very Happy 34th Birthday. We all had a great time last night celebrating and look forward to many more Birthdays together.

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