Thursday, July 3, 2008

Emma is going to be a BIG Sister...

Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers. Today has been an amazing and very surprising day for the Frazier household. It started about 6:30 this morning when I decided to take Pregnancy test #6 for the week. I got out of bed and the HOTY was getting dressed for work and I said, "I am going to take this and go back to bed, tell me what it says". Uh, 5 negative test and $19.99 + $12.99 later ~ I thought to myself....why did I just waist another test? Well, it was not even a minute later when Curtis came to my side of the bed and said, "this can't be right, it says your pregnant". Of course I was like, stop playing around it is not funny. He quickly told me he was not joking and to come and see ~ twine thirty. Sure enough...your looking at what we saw and it said...

I started calling the Dr. as soon as they opened and finally reached the Nurse at 9:20 and she explained if I got to the lab before 10:30, I could find out my results by 1:00. I flew through the shower, slapped some clothes on the "itty bitty" and off we went to the Medical Center. Yes, we made it and didn't even have to buy lunch for the lab rats this go around.

I love this picture...the purple test is the one we used when we found out we were pregnant with little Emma and the bottom is the one that delivered the incredible news to us about Baby #2. Look at my sweet little girls fingers...she was trying to help Mommy or perhaps she is excited she is going to be a BIG Sister. Which do you think it is?

Finally, a picture of a very happy Daddy and his pride and joy. You are looking at Pregnancy test # 6 & # 7 for the week. We are so excited that our family is growing. The last year of our life has been the best with the "itty bitty" around. Our prayer is that God will bless us with a healthy baby that I am able to carry full term, free of any complications. We ask that you continue to think of us and pray for us as we journey through the months ahead. We are so EXCITED and are truly blessed. To God be the Glory!

A new baby is like the beginning of all things ~ wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.


  1. YEAHHHHHHH! I am so excited for you all! Congrats, Congrats, Congrats!

  2. Can't wait to see the new little one! Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations! What a blessing! :-) I can't wait to rub on your belly! :-) Love you!

  4. Congratulations Frazier Family!! I am so excited for you guys! God bless you and the new journey you are about to take!


  5. We are so excited for you! I am sure baby #2 will be as big of a blessing as Emma. We can't wait to see you.

    Love - Bryan, Stephanie & Hudson
