Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July...delayed

This was the best shot I got of the "itty bitty" to share with you on July 4th (check out those patriotic shoes). We spent the day with family ~ enjoying good food, great company, lots of laughs and a day in the sun.

You are all going to think I am crazy, but Emma has given us a run for our money this weekend. I don't know if she senses I am pregnant or she is trying to give me a heads up for what my days ahead are going to look like as a Mommy of 2 (not to mention 21 months apart). Okay, I get it Emma, I get it, you can go back to your fun loving normal self. To heck with the terrible twos, show me the book about the fit throwing one year old. Man, I mean she can scream so loud that it will make you jump out of your skin. She got put in her room 3 times today to cry it out (hopefully Mrs. Jenny isn't reading this or I will be in trouble). Dr. Phil says 3 days of crying it out and they will just go to sleep without any fuss...well, we will see if your right, good buddy. Oh, I will let all you Mommy's out there know how it worked out as well. I feel so mean, but it is what it is.

Had a couple new friends join the world of blogging today, so check out their links if you get a chance & say HOWDY.

Tomorrow morning I go back to the lab to get blood work done to make sure that my HCG hormone has doubled and all is well with Baby # 2. So, when you hit your knees tonight and talk to Big Daddy...send a shout out for me that those numbers are quadrupled tomorrow. (you more conservative folks...say a little prayer for me).

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