Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Looking Back & First Step

I often find myself reminiscing through old pictures and journals and tonight I came across this picture of me about 3 weeks before I delivered the "Itty Bitty" and the memories just started consuming me. I was actually on the phone with my dear friend Tedra when I came across it and I said, "You know the best part about being pregnant is you get to have them all to yourself for 10 months". I can still recall how I was a little sad when Emma was born, because she was no longer in my tummy and this meant I had to share her with the rest of the world (if you are a Mommy, I am sure you totally understand). So, I look forward to the next 33 weeks and 2 days of having this baby all to myself. Pregnancy was wonderful to me last time and I feel like this time will be no different.
Big News....Emma took her first step today. We actually had Brook over today for a play date and she is a walker, so I am thinking she inspired the "itty bitty" to get up on those feet. She was a little shaky, real unsure and oh so nervous about moving that first foot forward. It just makes me smile to stand there and watch her think about going... she puts her little hands out and moves her fingers back and forth, like come here. Today instead of sitting back down on the floor, she moved that little foot forward. Of course... we celebrated with claps, hugs and kisses. When Daddy got home we tried to show him, but nope...she was not interested, she just wanted to be right up in his arms ~ where every little girl should be at the end of the day.
Emma has a big surprise waiting for her tomorrow... we will have pictures to post and she should be one VERY happy little girl. Anyone want to take a guess on what it is? Tedra, you already no cheating!


  1. I'm waiting to see what the surprise is...hurry up and update. I am impatient and I am going to call you soon to find out!
