Friday, July 25, 2008

Nope, not the Pottery Barn Kitchen

And the big surprise is... The "itty bitty" got her first set of wheels yesterday. She was so excited when she saw her new little pink/green/purple motorized 4 wheeler. The picture below tells it all, perhaps you can see just a little bit of her amazing personality. Yep, this is the kid that keeps us laughing constantly! I don't know why, but she reminds me so much of myself in this picture...
Unfortunately for us it rained yesterday and today, so you got it...she has been riding this thing all over the house. She can get on and off it by herself, push the button and make it go pretty darn fast. However, she is not real good at steering...she has hit the walls, furniture, Beamer, the appliances, the doors, her toys, the bed and even me. Of course she just laughs and thinks it is, oh so funny.

I just loved this picture and I wanted to share it with all of you... I like it when her little teeth show.

Just so you know, this was bought with gift cards from Emma's Birthday that we have been holding until we found something she would really enjoy. The HOTY thinks I am crazy, but I really work hard and spend alot of time focusing on not raising an ungrateful child. Which brings me to this point...we don't go out and buy random things for Emma or pick things up for her at the store every time we go or just because. Poor kid, we let her play with something in the store and then we put it back before we leave...terrible, huh? I think this has been an adjustment for the HOTY, because a blink of the eye and this "itty bitty" would have the buggy overflowing. Maybe I am exaggerating a bit...he is really very supportive of my efforts when it comes to this and he would also like to raise an appreciative child. Don't get me wrong it would be easier and alot more fun to just buy her everything she wanted, but often times....easier is not always better. With that being said, all of you out there feel free to share your words of wisdom with me on this subject & please be nice.

So, today we went to the dealership to have the oil changed and some minor repairs done to our vehicle. What should have taken 1 hour turned into 2 hours and 45 minutes of waiting with a 13.5 month old. It was very interesting to say the least. Emma did lots of really funny stuff there, but I have to share one thing with you that just cracked me up. About 1.5 hours in, she begins to get loud and starts screaming, talking and singing (pretty much all at the same time). I picked her up and put her ear real close to my mouth and began to whisper, "shh baby, we are inside and you can not scream or be so loud, shhh, I love you, shh". What do you think this "WITTY ITTY BITTY" did? She put her mouth to my ear and whispered, "yes, yes, yes, dada, dada, dada, dog-dog, dog-dog," Okay... I started laughing so loud and everyone turned to look at me. I mean, where did this kid come from and how did she know to whisper?

1 comment:

  1. That is such a cute story! She cracks me up....where did that personality come from? ;) I love the big is precious!!! I was patiently waiting to see what the surprise...I had to call Curtis on my way home Friday because I could not stand it. Yes, I thought it was the pink retro kitchen myself. So I had to tease him about not giving in...yet! She is precious and the pics are priceless. Thanks for sharing!

