Tuesday, April 7, 2009

5 weeks old ~ Birth Announcement

Our "Little Man" is 5 weeks old today. Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday when we headed to the hospital to meet this little fella.

I figured what better day than today to share our beautiful birth announcement with all of you. We mailed these out at the end of last week, so I am hoping that they have arrived in every ones little hands by now.

Front ~ Is that the sweetest little face you have ever seen or what?
Inside ~ We wanted to stick with the Safari theme and our AMAZING photographer did a phenomenal job of helping us accomplish that goal.

Back ~ We could not leave the "Big Sister" out of the fun, she is in love with this sweet baby boy and can hardly keep her hands off of him. We are so proud of her and so blessed and privileged to have these 2 little miracles call us Mommy & Daddy.


  1. This is my absolute favorite ever! I couldn't have done it without y'all! Love ya honey! :-)

  2. What an absolutely beautiful announcement for a beautiful blessing.
    Enjoyed visiting with you yesterday. Thinking about you today.
    Have a wonderfully blessed Easter,
    Matthew 21:22

  3. Those are beautiful, Laura! I love them! Your babies are just precious!

  4. Your announcement is so precious.

  5. I was so excited when we got the announcements! They are absolutely precious!

  6. Those are incredible! I'm glad y'all are settling in as the Frazier Four so well. We miss you around here. ;o)

  7. What a beautiful announcement! I love it.

  8. The announcement is amazing, Darla is awesome. Lil Emma looked so cute with Gavin. Miss you, I need to come visit.

  9. Oh, Laura Ann! I don't even know what to say! I am speechless!

    That is the most beautiful announcement I have ever seen! Everything about it is just perfect and YES--that IS the sweetest little face I have ever seen!

    I love how you used the safari theme and that giraffe is just adorable!

    And what can I say about that adorable BIG SISTER! I wish I could just give them both a big ole' kiss!

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. Oh Laura!! These are so so precious...Darla is amazing!!! I'm going to have to fly her to Florida every time we need pictures taken...OR, that would be a GREAT excuse to come to Houston :)

  11. Oh my goodness...Those are AMAZING and OH SO PRECIOUS!! I could just kiss both of their sweet cheeks. You are truly a blessed mommy.

  12. So precious...the babies and the announcement!
