Thursday, April 9, 2009

Best of both Worlds....

A little girl and a little boy...what more could a Mommy ask for? They are so different, but oh so sweet.

Emma has officially entered her dress up stage. She goes in her closet everyday and loves to put on 9 different pair of shoes, some type of hat, a jacket and some sunglasses. Here is her latest fashion trend, check out the shoes. She finally got her first pair of "Crocs" and she loves them. They are the Mary Jane ones, but she quickly realized if she put the straps up top she could wear them as clogs and she thinks she is so darn cute in them ( I must admit, they are super cute on her).

Look at this handsome "little man". I could just eat him up, he is so sweet! He has started smiling at us the last couple days, rolls from his tummy to his back and follows our voices. I am thinking he might be a Mommy's boy, he loves to just stare at me and hear my voice. Did I mention that I LOVE IT?


  1. that is so funny Laura! She looks like an eccentric Grandma! I love it! And Gavin is so stinking cute! Can't believe that little man is almost 6 weeks old already.

  2. Shirley MacLaine...that's who she reminds me of, lol! Oh, goodness, you are in for some major laundry days!

  3. Emma looks just like a little mother. She is too cute! Gavin is getting soooo big and he is going to be a ladies man when he grows up.

    -Abbie from NY

  4. That little Emma is a girl after my own heart with her "shoe fettish"! She is so cute and those Crocs...adorable!

    I can hardly believe that Gavin is already 6 weeks old! Such a handsome little man!
