Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Card 2010

The hustle and bustle of Christmas has us a little behind, but I could not let the Holidays pass without documenting this years Christmas card.  I knew I wanted something very simple this year and something a little different from what we have done in the past.  This year I opted for a 5x5 round card and I was very pleased with the outcome ~ my photographer ROCKS!

Front of the Card

Back of the Card
Proofs before they were sent to the lab where they were cut into a circle.

Final Result, not a great picture but enough for me to remember what it looked like years from now and share with my kiddos one day.  After I got them back, I punched holes in them and ran a sage organza ribbon through them so they could hang as Christmas ornaments or wherever people desired.  

So simple, so sweet & my favorite Christmas card so far.   Thanks again Darla for capturing The Frazier Four on our good days and not so good days, with a sucker or without, smiling or crying and for loving us no matter how we act. 


  1. you are so sweet Laura Ann! and I love you and you little family so much!

  2. We LOVED the incredible Christmas card~! Hoping you and yours had a wonderful holiday season-- and we are awaiting a visit!!

  3. Beautiful!! Love how you turned the card into an ornament!!!!
