Thursday, April 21, 2011

Practicing for Summer

Gearing up to make summer time fun for my kiddos and activity packed.   Oh how we are looking forward to summer in the Frazier household.   One of the great things about my career is the 6 weeks I get off to spend with these 2 cuties! 

The Frazier Four are not much for sitting around the house without a plan, so I am starting to fill the pages of our summer calendar with play dates, bike rides, splash pad visits, weekly field trips with friends, swim lessons, art class, gymnastics, trips to the library, dance, trips to the pool, vacation, the zoo, children's museum, driveway fun and some good ole backyard play.  I'd rather be on the go with these two everyday then have them parked on the couch in front of the TV.  The truth is, we all get cabin fever if we have to stay in the house for a day.

This little table will be home to lots of summer meals and sharing popsicles with friends.  My  kiddos could not wait, they decided this morning would be a great time to start.   Gavin is especially excited because he got to pour his water in with his cereal and eat it up (yucky).  

Oh Summertime how we have missed you, only 8 more weeks and the real fun begins.  For now, we will practice!

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