Saturday, April 23, 2011

Breakfast with the Bunny

We headed out bright and early this morning to dine with this big floppy eared fella.  We did not know what Gavin would think of him but it did not take us long to find out once we arrived.

Emma ran right up to him and was happy as could be, now Gavin on the other hand was shaking in his flip flops.  We promised him over and over again that we would not make him sit with the Easter Bunny, however we did have him sneak up behind them to try and get a shot.  Gavin must have smelled him coming and when he noticed him he went to dive off the bench they were sitting on so we decided enough was enough.  So there you have it, The Frazier Four 2011 Easter picture. 

We decided to hang out around the restaurant for a couple more hours, ride the train, carousel, see the animal exhibit, stand in amazement staring at the white tigers and walk around.  The kiddos did great and seemed to really enjoy themselves.

Daddy thought there was height limit on the Ferris wheel, but we were all able to get on and enjoy the ride.  Gavin was a little nervous and he sat in the seat for about 5 seconds before crawling up around my neck and holding on for dear life as we sat high above the city enjoying the scenery.

Such a sweet sight to watch my kiddos go round and round on the carousel.  Emma opted for a dolphin with a pink seat and Gavin got to ride an alligator.  This picture gets me super excited about our upcoming summer vacation and watching these two experience things they have never seen before.

Yep, my son sported a PINK linen shirt today and I loved it.  When I was getting him dressed his SASSY big sister decided to shout out, "ooohhhh Mom, Gavin is wearing a girls shirt." That was IT, he went to ripping and pulling on that shirt, screaming and crying, ran to his room and grabbed the pajama top to his Buzz Lightyear pajamas and demanded to wear it.   I almost let him to keep the peace, but I decided to take the pink shirt off of him and let him ride to breakfast shirtless.  Thank goodness he took a nap, so by the time we arrived to breakfast with the bunny and he woke up he did not mind putting it back on again (I threatened Emma not to mention it).   I was in SHOCK that he was able to comprehend what Emma had said about his shirt and have such a meltdown about not wearing it. At the end of our outing I whispered to him, "real men wear pink buddy" and he gave me a sweet little smile.

A great day was had by all, now it is time to head to the store for tomorrows goodies and then color some Easter eggs and talk about the real meaning of Easter. 

I never want to forget that this year Emma has lots of questions about Easter and why, "those mean horrible people nailed Jesus to the cross and how sad he must have been that day."  She is happy that it gives us a chance to go to Heaven, but she is concerned and tells me, "Mom, I don't want to go to Heaven for a long long time." Oh how I love that Emma and Gavin are so in love with sweet Jesus and often times remind me to pray before meals. 

Feeling super blessed this weekend and every day of the year for that matter.  Looking forward to a simple little Easter Sunday with our families tomorrow.


  1. What a funny story! I can't believe he ripped off the shirt like that. It just shows us they know more than we think they know. Looks like y'all had a great time.
    Hope your having a wonderful weekend!

  2. Such sweet pics! Love that your little man is such a little man! Ha!

  3. The merry-go-round picture towards the end is so cute of both of the kids! Your kiddos are just precious! That little Gavin is gonna be a heart-breaker!
