Sunday, April 24, 2011

Eggs, Baskets & Jesus!

Life has us so busy these days that we did not start coloring eggs until 8:30 last night, but at least we got it done.  Emma was so excited to color eggs and Gavin kept calling it an Easter Party.

Emma was so neat and tidy in her coloring efforts and wanted to make sure that each egg got the same amount of color time and attention.

This little guy did not waste any time TOSSING his eggs in the color, lifting them out with his hands, spilling the color, trying to drink some of the dye and rolling them out when he was finished.  He was super excited and was covered in dye by the end of the project.

We decided that we would not go overboard on Easter and told our kids these baskets were a surprise from Mommy & Daddy.   We opted for practical things in their baskets which included bath foam, shampoo, conditioner, sunscreen, vitamins, band aids, a couple pieces of candy, a Nemo water toy and a bag of cookies. 

Both our kiddos were very excited about their baskets and seemed to enjoy all the little things we placed in them.  We spent our entire weekend talking to them about Jesus being the true meaning we celebrate Easter.  Emma has a very good understanding and hangs onto every word we say about him.  We had a great day and pray that you and yours did also.


  1. Such a great idea with the baskets!! My kids got tons of candy..I must not be very smart!! HEHE!!!

  2. We do the same thing with the baskets...they know it's from mommy and daddy, and most of it is practical, too. Of course I throw in a little candy so I can eat some of theirs later when they lose interest! Ha! Anyhow, love that the main focus is Jesus. He is RISEN! And how marvelous it is!
