Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Nutcracker 2012

Today was a very special day for me and my sweet girl.  We woke up early and went to church, then afterwards we went on a lunchdate and to the Nutcracker Ballet.
Emma Caroline picked this outfit out along with a sweater about a month ago and every morning before school she begs to wear it (her first black outfit, Momma's not a fan of black on little girls).  Every morning I have to tell her that it is NOT school appropriate and her response is, "Mom girls wear dresses like this all the time."  You better believe she would proudly wear this to school tomorrow if I would let her.
I was so excited to take her to the Nutcracker for the first time this year and she was giddy about our date.
I had to get a picture of us together to remember this very special day that started out perfect, had 30 minutes of tears in between, but ended perfect.

On the way to lunch Emma started crying hysterically and I had no idea what was wrong.  I turned around to the backseat and found her digging through her purse, gasping for air.  After I asked what was wrong, she started screaming "I left your note at home, I left your note at home."  Apparently she had written me a letter that she had HUGE plans to give me after the Ballet.  We called home and Daddy found it in her Bible, but that was not enough to calm her down.  She was devastated to the point I offered to turn around and skip lunch for her to get it.  It broke by heart that she was so sad about it to the point I started crying with her. I told her she could write another at the restaurant, Dad could text it to me, she could tell me what it said and she was NOT having any of that.  She just kept saying, "It was so special for you Mom, it was so special." The promise of dessert finally provided some comfort to her BIG heart.

No cameras allowed, but I am sometimes a rule breaker.  I put my camera on AV mode and snapped this one, not real good but will be a reminder for Emma one day.  Of course she whispered, "Mom, no cameras allowed!"

Since it was Emma's first time to attend I also signed her up to be a Jr. Patron which allowed her to go backstage and see the set and meet some of the dancers after the show.   Here she is with one of the dancing candy canes from Russia.

Of course we loved watching all the flowers of the kingdom dance the Waltz of Flowers.  They were amazing!

Who doesn't love the Sugar Plum Fairy?  She was so super sweet and these two danced so eloquently together. 

Mother Ginger from France with her dancing puppets performed a playful dance.

Emma was amazed at the "boy ballerinas" and could not believe their jobs were doing ballet.  She kept saying, "Mom do they really take dance lessons somewhere?" 

Sweet Marie and her brother Fritz reminded me of Emma and Gavin when they were fighting over the Nutcracker that Fritz knocked the teeth out of (ha ha).   Marie was amazing in the Nutcracker and Emma loved her.  She was so super excited that she got to sit on the bed with her.

One of the sets from the opening scene in the kitchen at the beginning.  Emma wanted to touch every detail of all the props and I had to remind her to keep her hands to herself.

The beautiful sleigh that Marie waved goodbye and drifted away with the Nutcracker Prince in, she loved him from the start. I think Emma might have accidentally touched and climbed on this one.

This pretty was from the Land of Sweets, yep she tried to get up in this one too.  I don't blame her the snowflakes even tasted like sugar there.
We had an amazing time and as I walked behind her in the parking garage, I could not help but think that she might leave PROM like this one day, BAREFEET!  Those little ballet flats hurt her feet so she ditched them and still felt like the prettiest girl at the theatre.  I love that confidence and no regards to what others might think.
Emma chose this little Nutcracker to bring home to put on the Christmas tree and a book.  I signed and dated the bottom so she will always remember her very first trip to see the Nutcracker. 
When we got home she went and got the note that read, "I in joy the nut kakre with you and mabe we can go to it uter hcep."  (I enjoyed the Nutcracker with you and maybe we can go to it another day). She truly is one of the sweetest kids I know and I am blessed to call her my daughter.  I will save this letter forever and I will never forget the little story behind it.  Thank you Emma Caroline for being such an appreciative child and sharing your thoughtfulness with me.  She even brought her brother some candy home even though he and Daddy had gone on a date to the movies.
Today was a very special day for me and as I was putting this sweet girl in bed she said, "Mom lay down I need to talk to you (she started rubbing my face). Thank you so much for taking me to the Nutcracker today, I had the best time with you and you are all I need in this world."  I reminded her she needed other people too and that I felt the same way about her and the memories we made today.  Sharing the Nutcracker with Emma is an experience I will never forget.

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