Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy SIXTH Birthday Emma

Happy SIXTH Birthday to the most amazing little girl we know and love.  Words can not begin to describe the overwhelming proudness we feel to call you our daughter.  

You are simply amazing, loving, precious, outgoing, have a servant's heart, Jesus junkie, swimmer, school lovin', devoted to family, graceful dancer, animal infatuated, friend to all, hysterical, compassionate, giving, dreamer, best big sister, blessed, grateful, sweet cousin, affectionate, honest with your words, always happy, over achiever, wise beyond your years, beautiful on the inside and out, want to be involved in everything and a lover of life.  There is not a single thing we would change about your precious soul Emma Caroline and we pray daily that we are raising you to honor and serve God. 

Thank you so much for teaching us to be parents and for reminding us when we skip a beat, your boldness is admired and appreciated.

Today, you will dance in your 3rd recital, we will sing Happy Birthday to you while you blow out SIX candles on a cupcake, we will gather our bags and head to the airport for our family vacation.  You and your brother have no idea where we are headed, but it will be a week filled with fun, adventure and family time.  I am confident when we get to the airport and you read the state we are traveling to that you and your brother will scream with excitement, hug, jump up for joy and celebrate the way best friends do.

Emma Caroline, today is your day.  I hope you always know and feel the unconditional love we have for you in this life. What an amazing journey it has been the last six years and one that I am so incredibly thankful to be a part of with you. 

We are a team, we are family, we are The Frazier Four! We look forward to celebrating many more birthdays and life with you sweet girl. 

Happy 6th Birthday to you Emma Lou!

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