Sunday, June 16, 2013

Recital 2013

Yesterday was year number three for this little dancer to participate in recital and she would have gotten on stage alot more if they would have let her, the girl loves to perform! 
Jazz this year was performed to Throw Your Hands Up and it was a cute little number.  The girls struggled with the choreography a bit, but after 3 additional practices they did wonderful.

Emma's ballet class danced to Keep On Dancing and it was beautiful.  Emma had a very special lead part in this dance that made me cry my eyes out during recital, I was so PROUD of her on stage.

This girl loved her Jazz class this year and all the shaking they got to do (ha ha).  She grew so much as a dancer and the light officially went off and she started saying how much she truly loved and enjoyed dancing.  I believe she has always really like dance, but this year she has loved it and can be found leaping and doing pirouettes all over the house.

Emma Caroline, you are one beautiful little girl on the inside and out!  We are so PROUD of you, your love for life and your ability to tell a story on stage. 

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

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