Our house has been a wild place for the last couple weeks and it does not seem to be slowing down much. Our days have been packed with Dr. visits, fighting infections, sleepless kiddos, work, parties, MDO, church and a constant "to do list" that helps keep us organized.
Emma started out two weeks ago with a horrible ear infection that kept us up all night and found us sitting at the Dr. on a Sunday morning at 9am. The Dr. convinced us her ear tube had fallen out, so we left there with 10 days of antibiotic and had to see our surgeon. Thank goodness the ENT was able to locate the tube that is still intact with his surgical microscope, so we are currently on 10 days of ear drops with a follow up visit scheduled soon.
Gavin got sick the next week with a horrible case of Strep and a double ear infection. He was not happy with the Dr. at all when she tested him for strep, but the results came back in seconds. Thank goodness we only had 5 days of antibiotic with him because he spit out 6 doses.
No matter how busy or chaotic our life & house might get at times, we are still so very blessed and continue to add chapters to "Our Story" one day at a time.
Emma is turning into a big girl one day at a time and her vocabulary increases weekly. She likes to use words like obsessed, actually, appropriately, seriously, usually, appreciate, inappropriate and so much more. She talks alot about science, species, patterns, the weather, using your senses, journaling and reading.
She has taken a great interest in her Bitty Baby lately and carries it everywhere. She told me and her Daddy that she had a C-Section 3 days ago and Mia is a newborn that needs alot of extra care. Yesterday Curtis and I both had to take turns holding our new grand baby and being taught how to take care of her appropriately.
Emma continues to dance her heart out week after week and has recently moved from Preschool Ballet to Primary Ballet with the older girls. She is going to have to work really hard to catch up and be ready for recital in June, but her teacher is confident she can do it. They have been asking her to move up for a couple months, but this loyal little girl did not want to leave her original teacher. She finally made the decision on her own and talked to the teacher about her plan.
We are thankful for the change because this will allow Gavin to start Soccer on March 24th (yep, he is signed up and it's gonna be fun) and her to join our community swim team in April.
Emma's reading log continues to grow weekly and she is doing wonderful learning new sight words.
Mia is asleep in her bed for the night, I am sure she is exhausted since Emma took her to church with us this morning. When we picked her up from class, Mrs. Courtney told us that her husband even helped hold and take care of Mia during Bible Zone Adventure. Emma had to give her a bottle during worship, but Mrs. Courtney understood since we explained to her that Emma had just got out of the hospital from having Mia. This girls imagination runs wild daily and we just go along with it, what choice do we have?
Gavin still has the energy of an entire class filled with toddlers. I promise his pants are not high waters, it is the way he is standing, like a "super hero" of course. It has become impossible to get a picture of these kiddos together, it usually involves some sort of bribe.
Very hard to believe that in 3 weeks this little boy will be THREE years old. Seems like yesterday we brought him home from the hospital wondering how we would ever survive having a newborn and a 20 month old. We did it and I think we have done a pretty good job.
We allow our kids to choose their own birthday themes and this year Gavin opted for a pirate party, so I am tyring to get that pulled together and I am feeling so behind. I have come to the realization that no matter what, we will have a cake on March 3rd, we will sing Happy Birthday and we will celebrate Gavin's little life with family and friends.
Our boy is still loving Toy Story and could give Andy a run for his money when it comes to bringing these guys to life.
We spent this afternoon getting our goody bags ready for the MDO Valentines/Friendship party. Our bags are stuffed with sweet treats, bubbles, a bouncy ball, tied with ribbon and a personalized valentine card. Daddy joined the assembly line, so it did not take as long as it could have.
It is time to put the littlest Fraziers in bed for the evening so they can recharge their batteries and be good and ready for another week at Casa de Chaos. Between us, I kind of like crazy and I can admit that I would not know what to do with myself if we were not constantly on the go.
Tonight when I go to bed I am going to thank God for the chaos and for allowing the Frazier Four to live the "chaos" we are living. I love my life and would not trade it for anyone elses, it is a good life and a life that I sometimes take for granted!