Saturday, February 5, 2011

Best Session Yet!

A photo session with a toddler is never easy and often very stressful for me.  I must admit it was not the case this go around and we just finished.  Yep, it is 11:01pm on Saturday night and I just walked in the door from Gavin's TWO year old photo session and it was enjoyable and so much fun. 

Our original plan was to start around 4:00 this afternoon, but Gavin decided to take a marathon nap today and did not wake up until 8:15 tonight.  He is a little mad man if he is woke up so we decided to let him get his nap out no matter how late it ended up. 

We finally made it to our photo shoot at 9:05 tonight and probably did not get started till around 9:30, but I am thinking it might be the key to success.  He was cooperative, happy, silly, engaged, playful and funny.

We are super excited about celebrating Gavin's TWO years in service VINTAGE AIRPLANE party in less than a month with our family and friends. It is so hard to believe that this little guy has been with us for almost two years.  

The entire time we were having his pictures taken tonight, I just kept thinking about how amazingly blessed I have been that God gave me a Son.  I loved watching him pick up his airplanes, pretend to fly them and hear him send them zooming through the air. The boy is a lover of all things involving airplanes and can often times spot one before the rest of us can even locate it in the sky.

One thing is for sure, he will always be our very special little PILOT and remember Son,

Flying is done largely with the imagination.

— Wolfgang Langewiesche


1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is an awesome picture!