Yes, yes, yes... our power was restored yesterday afternoon & it was better than winning the lottery. I told the HOTY that we would not be going camping anytime soon, after 16 days without power. The good news is...we are all okay, the refrigerator has been restocked, the house has been cleaned, the Fall decorations have been put out, 9 loads of laundry have been done, "itty bitty" slept in her bed last night, the yard is freshly manicured (thanks to Green Gardens Landscaping), caught up on all my favorite blogs, checking account has been balanced, my housekeeper comes on Thursday, we are having Mimi's meatloaf for dinner tonight, my kids are coming back to school tomorrow and Curtis has been cleaning and organizing the garage all weekend.
Long story short, we have a 3 car garage and the 3rd bay has been loaded with stuff/junk that is just stacked from ceiling to floor since we moved in 18 months ago. We purchased shelves and it is looking good and I am so darn excited. He actually came in a little bit ago all dressed up in a Halloween costume he must have stumbled upon while he was cleaning. It was definitely from his single days, when he went to a party as...uh, I don't even know what to call it...maybe a pimp. It was a purple suede jacket with leopard trim, big necklace and some brass knuckle dollar sign ring. For those of you who know my husband...he is super conservative, so of course I was like, what the heck when he came in wearing that. I am sure the neighbors enjoyed watching him put that get up on before coming in here to show me how "pimpin" he was back in the day. Remember, this is the same guy that did not think it was cute his daughter had on a 2 piece bathing suit in the backyard. I managed to get a picture of him, but he made me promise not to post it on my blog. Trust me, it was funny!
The littlest Frazier must be really excited the power is back on too...because I felt that sweet baby kick around 10:00 this morning and he/she has not stopped since. I use to love feeling Emma move all the time and kick when I was pregnant with her ~ I have missed those days, so I am glad they are back.
I am off to fold another load of laundry. Thank you for all that kept us in your prayers during the storm and the days that followed.
Oh, let me not forget those Centerpoint Energy fellas that are working from sun up to sun down restoring power all over the area. I appreciate all that you have done for my family and my community. Hopefully you will all be home with your families soon and getting some rest and relaxation. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed.
I'm rolling...I CAN NOT even imagine Curtis wearing that! :-) I'm so thankful ya'll have power back and everything is back in order! Love you!
Oh, I am so thankful that you have power again and I hope that you enjoy your meatloaf tonight. At this point, I imagine you would enjoy anything other than fast food! (You DID mean that you got Parsley instead of Cilantro, right?)
I am so glad that you popped over to my other blog and got a glimpse of Miss Emma. Thank you so much for your sweet comments.
Enjoy your dinner!
Yea for electricity! I will be at RSS tomorrow so I will see you then!
I'm laughing about the halloween costume. We are cleaning our garage today. We've been doing it on and off all day. At the rate we are going, it will be done in 4 months or so. Kidding. We are having a community yard sale this weekend and I would love to make enough money to pay for part of the emboridery machine that I NEED. I keep telling Brian that it will make us money. He thinks it will be like every other project I've started....never finished. :) Glad to hear you have lights. My parent's neighborhood is still without power. My parent's are looking for a house to rent while their house is being repaired/rebuilt. The insurnace company hasn't told them what they are going to do just yet. Okay...are you an asst. principal at Sterling?
Thank the Lord you have your power back on...I honestly can NOT imagine going without that long :(
I hope tomorrow is a great day back at school...I know you've enjoyed your time with Emma, but those kids at school are going to be thrilled to see you too!
who the hell is Curtis? ;-)
I'll have to admit, I am the reason for that costume. He wore it to my 30th birthday party and he was a riot. I have a few blackmail pics of him from the party if you ever need them hee!hee! You're right, Mr. Conservative in that costume is a sight to see. Too funny! Glad you guys are getting back to normal.
love to you all!
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