We have spent the last month trying to redirect his inappropriate behavior and concerned about what is going on. He is super independent just like his sister, very strong willed and gets frustrated very easy. He is doing so much better since we are very consistent in holding him accountable and issuing some sort of consequence when he does not make good choices. I am confident we will all be on the same page in about 4 more weeks. He has made so much progress and is doing so much better, but we do have a ways to go.
We love this little boy so much and we want him to always be the jolly little fella he is today, but we have to make some changes in other areas. So, you tell me...is this a BOY thing?
For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Hebrews 12:11
He is way too cute to do any of that! It might be a boy thing, or maybe it is just his way to show you he doesnt like whats going on.. BTW, I want to keep up with your blog, pinkprincesspatty@gmail.com (patricia beisty)
One of these days you are going to read a James Dobson book...and your eyes will be opened. It's not just a Gavin thing, LOL! How well I know! You are doing the right thing of course...bad behavior is not tolerated in the Frazier household! He is only testing his boundaries and you are letting him know lovingly where those boundaries are. Keep up the good work my friend!
I do not believe that for a second. Hee!Hee! It sounds like you are getting a handle on it now and he will be Mr.Jolly before you know it. Just a boy thing I am afraid girl. He'll grow out of it.
Oh Laura--
You have NO idea-I would have to tell you it is a boy thing-- that was Callen to a T at 14 months the only difference is he clinged to momma and got by with it--BIG mistake. Sounds like we need you at our house to offer some MUCH needed advice...hang in there it does get better and be proud you have strong-willed babies!!
Now how can that face be mean? You have the cutest kids I have seen, I am a lurker, but certainly enjoy reading about your little "peeps"...
He is so cute...Love your blog and always enjoy my stops....I have a great Disney giveaway....Hope you will stop by
He is adorable! I have a little wolf in sheeps clothing as well! He is very angelic with a little blonde bowl cut, when in reality he is Dennis the Menace through and through! He is 7, still throwing large temper tantrums....I do love your blog, and your writing! I hope you will add me when it becomes private! I love your ideas for the kids parties! My name is Melissa nad we live in Florida. My email address is the4morans@aol.com.
Thanks, and remember to just keep praying for patience! :)
I completely appreciate your honesty because I feel like we are going through the exact same thing (minus the biting!) I try to tell myself that Cilla is sweet and people think that she is from the outside looking in However, she really has a mean, strong.willed (i don't know if that is a word) streak too. Parenting independent babies can be a toughy some days! Hang in there girl. I will add you to my mommy prayer list as you deal with this. I know how hard it is to be consistent yet not hurt their little spirits. Oh, and it is exhausting! You are super duper mommy!
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